E4 Life: Live Your Healthiest Life
E4 Diabetes Solutions: Reversing and Reducing Diabetes
On a mission to transform the lives of people with chronic diseases and to lead them towards health and vitality.
Our founding four principles are exceptional health, ethics, sustainability, and spirituality.

The E4 Family includes E4 Diabetes Solutions, the E4 ALIVE Simple Steps Program, E4 Life and the E4 Academy. Our expert team of top doctors, researchers, dietitians, coaches supports your success in optimizing your health.
Do you want lower A1c? The possibility of no more diabetes? Measurable Results?

Our fully on-line E4 A.L.I.V.E. Simple Steps Program.
An expert team with over 150 years experience
succeeding against diabetes and optimizing health working with you.
Marty Davey
Brenda Davis
John Vargas Eddy
Founded E4 Diabetes Solutions.
Dr. Ashwani Garg
Dr. Ashwani Garg, MD.
Courtney Pool
Courtney Pool has over 12 years experience coaching in nutrition.
Nancy Rodriguez.
Nancy Wilson.
Dr. Joe Raphael.
Dr. Wesley Howard.
Dr. Wes Youngberg
DrPH, M.P.H., C.N.S.
Our Experts have been featured in :


What People Are Saying
Stories from our E4 A.L.I.V.E. Simple Steps Program Participants

“The most intensive, comprehensive,
type 2 diabetes reversal program
out there, period, end of statement,
as you know I scoured the world for
the best .. and it is something I needed…”
Reversed diabetes and pre-diabetes!
From A1C of 7.2 to 4.9! And Thriving!
Participant: Jon McMahon
California 2018
California 2018
“My blood sugar levels fell so dramatically that I soon had to quit using the mealtime insulin” Can You Reverse 37 Years of Diabetes and Kidney Disease? Is it too late when you are on high doses of insulin and stage 4 kidney disease?
Listen to Kathy, a current participant in the E4 ALIVE program, her story and progress to date.

Participant Kathy S. 2019.
“I tried everything, I tried so many programs, I tried them all, I was doing my best with low carb and nothing was working. I am so happy that I tried this program because it works! I can eat until I am full and I don’t feel deprived”
Reversed diabetes and pre-diabetes!
From A1C of 9.1 to 5.3!

Free E-Book! The 3 Big Myths of Type 2 Diabetes
This book could have a big impact in your life if you:
You will learn:
- The root cause of type 2 diabetes
- How you may be harming yourself further without even knowing it
- How to avoid diabetes if you’re a pre-diabetic now
- Steps to take TODAY to turn it all around
Health, Nutrition and Lifestyle Articles, Videos and Educational Material
E4 Life - E4 Diabetes Solutions - E4 Academy Resources for you

Preventing the Corona Virus and Staying Healthy
How to prevent getting infected and boost your immune system

Strategies for Healing from the Corona Virus at Home
Non Pharmaceutical Interventions - NPI strategies that you can apply at home to minimize the risk of becoming critically ill and needing hospital care.